Val Demings Announces $4.6 Million Raised in First Quarter of Her Campaign


U.S. Representative Val Demings of Florida’s 10th Congressional District has raised $4.6 million in the first quarter of her campaign to unseat U.S. Senator Marco Rubio.

Neither Demings nor Rubio have officially submitted their campaign finances to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for quarter two, but both parties have released information regarding what those numbers should look like when they do.

Although she did not announce her decision to run for Senate until June 9th, Demings previously raised funds for reelection as a U.S. Representative that she allocated to her Senate campaign following her announcement.

With $1 million donated to her campaign within the first day of her announcement, Demings’ campaign committee reported in a news release Thursday that she raised a little over $2.9 million from June 9 to June 30. The money she raised in those 21 days is $1.2 million more that she had raised in April and May combined. The committee also reported that the June donations were made by “over 113,000 individual donors” and that the average donation was $26.

“As a 27-year law enforcement veteran and member of Congress, I will always put Florida and public service before politics. Florida deserves a U.S. Senator who has the courage and conviction to take on the tough fights for us. The strong support we have generated in such a short period of time shows we will have the grassroots momentum we need to win in 2022.”

Demings must keep the momentum going if she hopes to make a run at Senator Rubio who at the end of March had over $9 million raised, according to the FEC. As first reported by Fox News, Rubio raised $4 million during the second quarter of 2021.

The two candidates have until July 15 to report the official amount of funds raised and spent for their campaigns.

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Casey Owens is a contributing writer for The Florida Capital Star. Follow him on Twitter at @cowensreports. Email tips to [email protected]. 








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